Version 1.65 – September 11, 2020
New Features
New Census Wizard
Our new Census Wizard identifies the errors in your census and offers a picklist of potential Counties for a designated Zip Code before your Census Import function is completed. The census template remains unchanged. You will still need to convert your spreadsheet to a .CSV file.
Double Click your CONGA template
Now, you can Enable Editing AND Enable Content to remove the extra tabs that you don’t need automatically. No more deleting unused tabs in your market proposals!
Add YOUR Agency logo to the Market Proposals
Add your agency logo to the front and back cover of your Market Proposal. The logo is added dynamically via hyperlink.
New Templates
Age Banded Market Proposals
Proposals now include a breakdown of the total employee premiums (Employee Only Premium, Dependent Premium and Total Premium) per employee.
Contribution Strategies Selected
Now visible in Market Proposals.
Dental and Vision tabs
We removed the “benefit limits” within the summary section for less clutter in the plan summaries.
Convert your Market Proposals to PDF
The link to the SBC is now working.